Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Scalded :(

This month has been emotionally and physically draining.

Lil' muachi accidentally swiped fresh-out-of-the-kettle hot tea on me and herself last Saturday. It was traumatizing. Forget the flu blog, this is a million times worse. I can't even describe whatever it is that shook my system that day. I felt like the worst mother ever as it happened under my watch. 

It's funny though when accidents happen. Mother instinct kicks in and the bub becomes your only priority. I felt like a mother bear. Growl. Although the incident that day is kinda fuzzy in my head now.

LMM Advice
1) NEVER ever leave hot water anywhere near your bub
2) ALWAYS assume the worse and have everything at arm's length
3) TRY to remember to give first aid to yourself as well if it was spilled on you

Burns are very common. I was a victim of a very unfortunate common accident. Until you hear your bub wail in pain, you have not experienced intense grief. So please prevent it from happening.

LMM First Aid Steps:
1) Remove bub's clothing 
2) Run cool water over burned area for at least 20 mins 
or hold a clean cold compress on burn for a few minutes (Do not use ice as it will only cause more harm to injured area)
3) Take bub to hospital (Try have your wits about you and drive carefully!)

In the hospital, the nurses will do the appropriate dressing and if need be, they will give the bub a painkiller ('bottom up')

We were prescribed ibuprofen. But lil' muachi was fine after that one dosage of painkiller. Modern medicine is marvelous. Lil' muachi was gurgling in the car all the way home. WAY better than the whimpering on the way to the hospital.

For more of this, please read my "burn treatment" post.

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