I use wet wipes to:
1) clean lil' muachi's bum bum
2) wipe lil' muachi's face (mouth area after eating)
3) wipe lil' muachi's hands or feet when required
4) wipe restaurant baby seat
5) clean lil' muachi's sticky mess
6) clean lil' muachi's little accidents (pee on bed)
So basically, it's for wiping up and cleaning. It does not disinfect but it does make me feel better that I've done my best to make sure my lil' muachi is protected from unwanted germs (re point 4)
I like Johnsons but prefer the packaging with a hard flip cover. Over time, the packaging with the sticky cover loses its stickiness and the wipes inside becomes dry. Sometimes when you pull one out, the second one will follow. It's a bit harder to shove the second one back in.
It is of course more important to choose the wet wipe that is friendly to your bub over packaging.
Hokkien corner: Pureen offers good value for money wet wipes. If you are really looking at cutting costs, visit places like Mydin. They carry the same product but for cheaper.
Pigeon came out with its own container (smart) with a hard flip cover. It's like having your own tissue cover. It does keep things neat and tidy. You just need to press down as per pic and the cover will fling upwards on its own. So very convenient. However, I find that pigeon wet wipes are dryer than Pureen's.
You'll be using a lot of wet wipes so you have time to experiment. I leave mine everywhere eg bedroom, dining table etc.
If you have a bub, you'll learn soon enough that wet wipes are your friends.