Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Places: LCCT Malaysia

The Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Malaysia is definitely a no-frills airport. 

The upside is you pushing a baby stroller at the airport is nothing compared to those juggling their multiple travelling bags. True Fact: At LCCT, everyone maximizes their carry-ons. 

Another good thing is that baby strollers are usually considered as a carry-on for airlines but one which you can push right up to the entrance of the airplane and they'll store it for you thereafter.Superb.

Problem is if you are a departing passenger at LCCT, it would seem like it is a standing room only kind of place.

Entering LCCT is like entering a foreign country with people looking like they are squatting at the sides of the building. They are in actual fact resting on these railings on the floor. The only proper seat available is the one Ronald McD is sitting on.

But as you walk towards The Coffee Bean (right side of the building), rows of chairs will come into view. I have no idea why it is only available at Arrivals; but there they were. Indoor and outdoor. 

So remember, if you need to sit down, go towards Arrivals.

On the baby changing room, there is really nothing much to say. As any Malaysian public toilets; you would want to go in, do your thing and get the hell out in the shortest possible time span.

The baby changing room is located in front of the Female loo. This is located at the left side of the airport. If I'm not mistaken, it's near Old town white coffee (departure area)

There is really nothing much in there. But it functions and there is privacy. 

Like I said before, this is a no-frills airport. So my best advice is to be as prepared as you can with your bub before you fly.

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