Monday 8 October 2012

Formula/Powder Milk Containers

Whoever created this knew there was a genuine need in the market for something like this.

When your bub is wailing in the middle of the night (or whatever time in the day for that matter), you do not want to be fumbling around for the milk powder. 

These little containers are very handy. You can store predetermined scoops of formula ahead of time. 

There are a few variations in the stores but its primary role of course is to store milk. 

I have two different ones with me.

LMM Baby Steps:
The Pink One
1) Lift the lid up slightly (until its above the groove) and twist to selected slot for milk
2) Push it back down
3) Lift the cap 
4) Tilt and shake the milk formula into the milk bottle

The Blue One
1) Twist to selected slot
2) Lift the cap
3) Tilt and shake the milk formula into the milk bottle

They are both pretty fast to work on. Apart from how you move the thing to get the powder, one comes with removable dividers while the other is permanent.

LMM Advice:
The pink one is better for nights. You can just feel the cap going to a slot, pop it open and pour. Less mess. The somewhat protruding head also helps with neat pouring. For the blue one, it's a bit harder when you cant see the dividers as you don't know where it starts and where it ends. 
For travelling, the blue one is definitely less bulky.
Hokkien corner: If you think long term, the blue one will make more sense as you can remove the dividers and use it to store other things.

I would definitely encourage parents to own these containers. It helps fasten the process of milk making and that is always a good thing when your bub is wailing for susu.

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